
Our Meeting Venues: Where Your Partnership Strengthen

Finding a suitable space is always the top concern of businesses when organizing meetings, conferences, and events with important partners. To ensure success, this requires many factors, the most important of which is still the preparation process and a “dedicated” team.

With its luxurious, unique space and professional services, ERY Hall by Silverland Group promises to bring special highlights, create a difference, and leave a lasting impression on your event.

  • Standard meeting room with high-speed wifi connection.
  • Equip yourself with paper, pens, mineral water and candy for an effective meeting.
  • Modern sound and lighting system.
  • LCD screen and projector 320 inches.

And there are many other benefits.

Contact 090 181 30 97 today for advice and to receive attractive offers at the beginning of the new year!

Banquet Reservations

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